“Love the Lake” Concert & Event Series


Partnering with Pleasants Landing, we at The Encumbered.com desire to create a “Partnership with the Community.”   we want to produce fundraising programs that will benefit  local charities meeting the needs of the Lake Anna Community, families and volunteers, as well as support future entrepreneurs in our community.

Pleasants Landing may look like a park beside a marina, but it is actually new equipment for volunteer Fire and EMS departments, it’s building materials for the high school shop class, and wheelchair ramps for residences for the handicapped, or a hundred other possibilities. It’s a place that generates revenue for those who most need it among our neighbors, and to support small businesses through development of the local workforce.

This can only be accomplished through a special relationship between Pleasants Landing, The Encumbered.com and the local community, realized through the “Love the Lake” Concert & Event Series.

For 10 designated Saturday nights in the summer, appropriately priced entertainment, in the form of country, pop and cross-over bands, will perform on the landing under the night sky. We will match the charities with a band, and then match that Saturday night with local businesses.  With expenses covered by these sponsorships and ticket sales, percentages of the proceeds are then distributed back to the charities.

This is only possible through the careful management of the 501(c)(3) non-profit model that we with The Encumbered.com can provide.  This is a big undertaking – but one that can have big effects for Louisa residents and communities in Spotsylvania and Hanover Counties.  We have embraced this opportunity and have already begun preparatory work, hiring a modest staff to begin producing next summers’ music series.  At the same time, the staff is building a database of those who need help, those who want to help, and what businesses, organizations and individuals want to sponsor our summer offerings.

What you may not know is that Pleasants Landing sat dormant for a decade until the current owners, Mike & JoAnn Vallerie saw the opportunity to do this. They came out of retirement and purchased Pleasants Landing, investing more in repairs and maintenance than they paid for it, so their level of commitment is very keen.  And partnering with The Encumbered.com they will be able to build a fundraising enterprise that will have lasting benefits long after they are capable of running a business.

But even a 501(c)(3) is a business that has many expenses.

The Encumbered.com is a tenant to Pleasant’s Landing and must cover its rent, as well as the modest staff they have hired on. More importantly, there are significant costs in providing an entertainment venue; such as staging needs, providing food and drink, parking and security, power and water, permits and entertainment fees, publicity and cleanup.  Ticket sales for a ten-week run to cover all these costs would be exorbitant – were it not for sponsors who make the venture cost-effective,  thereby providing higher percentages of proceeds to targeted charities.


The “Love the Lake” Concert & Event Series  will work for all involved because of three aspects:

#1 Sponsors receive publicity aimed at our foot traffic.

#2 The organizations that we help will provide volunteers to work these events which defrays costs – resulting in better percentages of the proceeds for funding.

#3 And Live Music brings a welcome night of fun to the south side of Lake Anna to residents, tourists and visitors alike, who enjoy the most coveted of all venues – a location by the water.


We understand the risks and there are no guarantees for success. However, The Encumbered.com and Pleasants Landing are committed to this venture.  In fact, the Valleries will be personally fronting the capital to secure and pay the bands lined up for next summer.  We will in turn, be responsible for reimbursing them for their investment.

Now begins the work of finding partners to work alongside us to make the “Love the Lake” Concert & Event Series the successful fundraising mechanism we know it can be.

(please go to www.pleasantslanding.com for the full details of “Love the Lake” Concert & Event Series.