Welcome to the Encumbered
This site is dedicated to empowering small businesses and making the public aware of the enormous burden small businesses work under, and the incredible contributions they make to the national economy and the local community.
Why the title “encumbered?”
By definition, encumbered means: to impede, to hinder, to hamper; to fill or block up with superfluous or obstructive things; to weigh down or burden; to burden with obligations.
This describes the small business owner – as well as many private individuals.
Who makes up TheEncumbered.com?
Perhaps we represent you. We are an advocate for small business because we are small business owners ourselves and work hard to succeed. And we have families. But, we realized that because of our obligations to family, our clients and employees, we do not have the time or resources to be effective watchdogs of today’s politics. Especially those politics that affect small businesses.
Over the past 25 years, Politicians and Special Interest Groups have realized that we can be easily exploited. As small business owners we vote for the politician who has “voiced his promise” to prepare bills that work for us, but the Special Interest Groups actually oversee what goes into the bills that are the passed into law – which tend to favor the largest of corporations. Consequently, “a government for the people and by the people” has been undermined, and the income tax payer is left with the financial burden; that means small businesses, and an ever-diminishing percentage of the population. Perhaps that’s you.
Are you Republican or Democrat based?
We are neither. We do not sponsor candidates nor are we partisan. But here is what we know.
The Republican Party claims that they are the party of small business. However, it is the large corporations (those with advocacy groups) that receive their attention, their favor, and the legislation that favors their tax burden.
The Democratic party claims that they are the party of the average American worker. Yet, they approve of the fact that 47% of American households do not pay any income tax – while the remaining 53% are expected to cover the gap.
But… it’s safe to say, “If you are a taxpayer, then you are encumbered!”
Therefore, this site is for you. If you share our concerns, then please read the various options on our site, and then join us. There is no financial obligation but there is the possibility of making a difference… a difference that is good for all of us.